About us

SCHOOL MOTTO: For Faith and Moral

About us

The Congregation of the sisters of the P.B.V.M has been devoted to the ministry (Service) of education ever since its foundation by Nano Nagle in 1775. In this same spirit the Presentation Sisters of India promote education at Primary, Secondary and professional levels. The medium of teaching is through the national and regional language English.

History of our School

Our School St.Joseph Nursery & Primary School was established in 1945 , By Mother Stephaine Lamb and extended by Sr. Ignatius Hahassey in the year 1976, thereafter it was renovated in 2002 and the first floor was built and blessed by Fr. Thomas Joseph and opened by Sr.Terasina Coyne on 18/10/2002 who was the Correspondent of our St.Joseph Nursery & Primary School. Our School is seventy years old and presently 468 children are studying here. We have well qualified, committed and dedicated teachers accompanying the children of Nursery & primary to bring up our children from their basic level.They are helped to see the Divine in self, others and the rest of creation and the entire cosmos.

We see education as the manifestation of the Divine inherent within.

The Presentation School Objectives:

  • Our Main trust is towards the materially poor
  • We foster critical thinking,
  • Our education brings out social change and Also we promote Christian values.

Policies of Presentation Congregation:

The policy of education in the Presentation Schools derives from the life of love and mercy Of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Gospel. Education in the Spirit of the Gospel and of Nano Nagle Encompasses the development of very person. This enables persons to live in fellowship and mutual helpfulness. Our concern is for all God’s people within the local community where the school is situated and especially for those of the Christian faith and those deprived in anyway.

"Doing Justice in the way of Jesus is our Mission ", Compassionate justice, rooted in our charism

Calls us to work for liberation and empowerment, particularly of women and children.

A good teacher is like a candle it consumes itself to light the way for others

A great teacher is not a knowledge given but one who imparts to the students

Learning skills, life skills and helps students face the future with resistance,

Confidence and a sense of commitment. A good teacher is always ready to go the extra

Mile to achieve results is always ready to sacrifice.

This sacrifice is ongoing process and not a onetime investment.

"They do their best for the children of our School"

This is a pleasant picture of our teachers with their students of presently 2015 studying in XII in St.Mary’s A.I Higher Secondary School, they still remember their school where they started their school life and also they remember their precious teachers who Brought them up from their nursery level. They shared their remembrance with our teachers and spent a short time visiting their Classrooms where they studied on 20-2-2015.